RAC Bulletin 2009-11-21
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for November 21, 2009
1. Beware Phony RAC E-mails
Several users of the rac.ca e-mail alias system have received e-mails
purporting to be from RAC, claiming that maintenance was to be
performed on the e-mail system, and that certain information was
to be sent by reply to the e-mail message.
This message was NOT originated by anyone at RAC. RAC does not ask
for such information as usernames and passwords in an e-mail. It can
safely be ignored. E-mails relating to the rac.ca e-mail alias
system would come from alias-help (at) aliases.rac.ca, vptas (at)
rac.ca, or other identifiable RAC e-mail address.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. Laurentian Net Sunday Time Change
Effective November 1st, the Sunday evening Laurentian Net begins at
6:40 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. The Ontario Swap Shop follows at
7:00 p.m. This earlier time will continue until band conditions
improve. This change does not affect the rest of the week. For
Monday through Saturday the Laurentian net will start at its usual
time of 6:45 p.m.
-- Shawn Gartley, VE3PSV, Net Manager
3. WRTC Teams Announced
44 teams, representing six continents, have been selected for the
2010 World Radiosport Team Championships. The contest will take
place about 35 kilometres south of Moscow, during the IARU HF World
Championships, July 10-11, 2010. It will be held outdoors, "Field
Day-style," with competitors located in clusters in a total area
encompassing about 40×30 kilometers.
Eastern Canada will be represented by Yuri Onipko, VE3DZ, and Yury
Romanov, VE3XB, and Western Canada by Lee Sawkins, VE7CC, and Dale
Green, VE7SV.
-- ARRL Web
4. Happy Birthday AO-7
Amateur satellite AMSAT-OSCAR 7 was launched on November 15, 1974,
and is still operational after 35 years. If you have a receiver with
CW/SSB capability on 2 metres, during a pass you can hear AO-7
activity between 145.940 and 145.960 MHz. For information visit
-- AMSAT News Service
5. Xlog for the Visually Impaired
Damian, SP9QLO, reports that Xlog is a ham-radio logging program
which is accessible to visually-impaired hams. It is free, controls
many modern transceivers, and can be configured to work with Logbook
of the World. Xlog runs on Linux, and particularly Vinux, which has
been customized for visually-impaired users. For Xlog information
visit www.nongnu.org/xlog, and for Vinux information visit
-- Handi-Ham News