RAC Bulletin 2009-12-05
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for December 5, 2009
1. RAC Canada Winter Contest
In December each year, Radio Amateurs of Canada sponsors the Canada
Winter Contest. Amateurs all over the world are invited to
participate. This year's contest runs from 0000 UTC to 2359 UTC on
Saturday, December 19, CW and phone, on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6,
and 2 metres. Canadian stations send RST and province or territory.
VE0's and stations outside Canada send RST and a serial number.
Complete rules and information are available in PDF format at
tinyurl.com/ykaa7xz (Yankee Kilo Alpha Alpha Seven Xray Zulu)
-- RAC web page
2. New Ontario Public Service Reflector
The Province of Ontario now has a new dedicated IRLP Reflector in
operation thanks to the efforts of Russ Hemphill VE3FI and fine
technical support from Klaus Rung VE3KR and other interested persons.
This Ontario Public Service Reflector is Node 9030 with 10 channel
and very wide bandwidth capabilities The system is located in
Haliburton County and at this time is fully operational in the
primary testing stage. When completed with channel assignments the
Reflector will offer and provide a dedicated network in Ontario for
Emergency Communications for ARES and CANWARN and linking Counties
and Districts for Mutual Aid purposes.
For details visit www.ontarioreflector.ca
-- Bob Gammon, VA3RX, Ontario SEC
3. Are You Interested in Handling Traffic?
"Radiograms" -- written messages sent by amateur radio -- are still
an important part of amateur radio public service and emergency
response. If you're interested in learning to handle message
traffic, on either SSB or CW, the ARRL has made a guide available in
PDF format, at tinyurl.com/yg4b95k (Yankee Golf Four Bravo Nine Five
For practice, listen or check in to the Ontario Phone Net, daily on
3.742 MHz, at 16:00 Eastern Time.
-- via Peter West, RAC Blog; and Ontario Phone Net Blog
4. Antartica Active on HF and HamSats
Bill, K7MT, is going to work at the McMurdo base (AN-011) between
Nov 15 and Feb 20, 2010. He will sign KC4USV mostly on 20m during
Sundays. Listen for him in SSB on 14243 kHz, in CW on 14043 kHz or
in PSK-31 on 14070 kHz. He plans to bring his Arrow II antenna and a
Kenwood TH-7 which he can use on amateur radio satellites. QSL via
K1IED. Visit Bill's web page at www.mt.net/~k7mt
-- AMSAT News
5. Rig Reference
www.rigreference.com provides information about amateur radio
equipment and allows and encourages members to share their opinions
about these rigs. You can find specifications for many old and new
rigs, and reviews and ratings for some popular rigs.
-- Brad Rodriguez, VE3RHJ, Official Bulletin Manager