RAC Bulletin 2014-01-18
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for January 18, 2014
1. Niagara Peninsula Hamfest
The Niagara Peninsula Amateur Radio Club will hold its "Big Event 36"
on Saturday, February 1, at the Merriton Community Centre, 7 Park
Ave. in St. Catharines. General admission at 9 am; talk-in on VE3NRS
repeater, 147.240 MHz (+) 107.2 Hz tone. For more information visit
-- RAC Events Database
2. VE3LML wins kudos from U.S. Coast Guard.
Congratulations to Herb Hilgenberg, VE3LML, who was presented in
December with the United States Coast Guard's Meritorious Public
Service Award. An American Coast Guard spokesman said it was the
first time he remembers the award going to a Canadian. Read more at
tinyurl.com/kuds5cw (Kilo Uniform Delta Sierra Five Charlie Whisky)
-- RAC News Service
3. KC4AAA to be Active from South Pole Station
Joe Musachia, W5FJG, will be operating station KC4AAA at the
Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station this year, through the Antarctic
winter season, until November 2014. The station offers a kilowatt
into 6 element 20 and 3 element 40 meter monobanders fixed on the US
and a tribander fixed toward Europe. A 3 element 17 meter beam aimed
at North America, is also supposed to go up this month.
He will operate SSB only on weekdays and some weekends, through the
winter season, until November 2014. Listen for KC4AAA on or near
14.243 MHz. QSL to Larry Skilton, K1IED
-- ARRL Web
4. Saint Maximilian Kolbe
January 8th was the 120th birthday of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, SP3RN,
who is the Catholic Church's Patron Saint of amateur radio
operators. Licensed in Poland in 1938, Father Kolbe died in
Auschwitz when he volunteered to take the place of another prisoner
sentenced to death. A more in-depth look at his life can be found at
-- Amateur Radio Newsline