RAC Bulletin 2014-01-25

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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for January 25, 2014


1. 60 Metre Band Allocations

Industry Canada has approved five frequencies within the 60 meter
band for amateur radio use. They are: 5332 kHz, 5348 kHz, 5358.5 kHz,
5373 kHz and 5405 kHz.

The five frequencies are the same as authorized in the USA, with the
same power restriction of 100 watts ERP. Transmissions, independent
of emission mode, must be centered on each of the five frequencies,
with a maximum bandwidth of 2.8 kHz. Sideband will be upper. Other
modes will be CW, Data (including PSK 31 and Pactor III), and RTTY.
See tinyurl.com/canada60m for technical details. Refer to RBR-4,
Issue 2, online at tinyurl.com/rbr4issue2, for all specifics before
operating on the new 60 metre channels.

-- RAC News Service



2. ARRL Accepting Information for Repeater Directory

Repeater owners can now submit updated information directly to the
ARRL for use in the ARRL Repeater Directory, TravelPlus and other
products. The submissions web page is www.arrl.org/repeaters.

Repeater owners or trustees can use the new web page to notify the
ARRL of changes to existing repeaters, such as new CTCSS frequencies
or changes of call signs. However, it cannot be used to add new or
uncoordinated repeaters. Also, repeater owners must still
communicate changes to their local repeater coordinators.

-- ARRL Web

3. New NCJ website

National Contest Journal (NCJ), the ARRL publication devoted to
Amateur Radio contesting, has an updated web site, at www.ncjweb.com

The site contains selected feature articles, as well as a group of
tools for setting up teams and submitting logs for NCJ-sponsored
contests, and an archive of scores for all NCJ going back to 2001.

-- ARRL Web

4. uLog Logging Software

uLog (pronounced micro-log or "you log") has been designed as an
easy-to-use logbook application that offers just the basic fields for
QSO entry. "No fancy gimmicks, just quick and easy input of QSOs."
Download the free Windows program at www.m0pzt.com/?ulog

-- Southgate ARC News

5. QRP Forum

A new online forum has been created for QRP enthusiasts.
Visit www.qrpclub.org to join (it's free).

-- Nicola, IZ5ZCO