RAC Bulletin 2014-08-02
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for August 2, 2014
1. 2014 RAC AGM Concluded
The RAC Annual General Meeting took place on July 27th in New
Westminster BC. The proceedings can be heard through the archived
Webinar recording at tinyurl.com/rac2014agm
RAC would like to thank everyone who helped make the AGM another
successful event, including the Orca DX and Contest Club for making
the venue available.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. Canadian Amateurs receive Order of Canada
The Governor General of Canada recently announced 86 new appointments
to the Order of Canada. Among them are two radio amateurs.
Veena Rawat, VA3ITU, was honored as a “Companion of the Order of
Canada” for her contributions to telecom engineering and for
leadership in establishing a global regulatory framework for radio
spectrum management. Amongst other accomplishments, Rawat chaired the
World Radiocommunication Conference in 2003.
Astronaut Chris Hadfield, VA3OOG/KC5RNJ, was honored as an “Officer
of the Order of Canada” for “his commitment to promoting scientific
discovery and for sharing the wonders of space exploration with the
world.” Hadfield was the International Space Station Expedition 35
commander during his 2013 duty tour.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
3. Junk-in-the-Trunk Swapmeet
The 6th Annual Junk-in-the-Trunk Event will take place on Saturday,
August 23, in the parking lot of the Newmarket Theatre,
505 Pickering Crescent, in Newmarket. The closest intersection is
Leslie Street and Mulock Drive. Free admission to buyers. Open to
all at 7:30 am; talk-in on 146.520 simplex, or the local repeater,
-- RAC Events Database
4. International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend
International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend takes place this year
on August 16th and 17th, from 0001 UTC Saturday to 2359 UTC Sunday.
The objective is to promote public awareness of lighthouses and
lightships and their need for preservation and restoration, and at
the same time to promote amateur radio and to foster international
goodwill. Over 400 locations are registered for this year's event.
For more information visit www.illw.net.
-- ILLW web page
5. Weather Radio Listeners Newsletter Updates
A new email address and Twitter account for the Weather Radio
Listeners Newsletter have been created. The email address will be
the flagship address for all things relating to the newsletter and
news on coming issues or developments. The Twitter account will serve
the same function and will also have segments from both the current
and previous issues tweeted from time to time.
The new email address is wxrnewsletter (at) gmail.com and the Twitter
handle is WxrNewsletter. We hope that those who are on Twitter and
are on the mailing list will take advantage of both of these new news
sources. To subscribe to the newsletter, send a request to the new
email address.
-- Gord Maybee, VA3WXA
6. Australian Balloon Reaches Brazil
On July 13, Andy Nguyen, VK3YT launched a "pico balloon" with an APRS
beacon from central Victoria state in Australia. According to its
last copied APRS data, call sign VK3YT-8, it appeared to be at an
altitude of about 29,000 feet and some 50 miles north of Brasilia.
The balloon is believed to have left South America on July 22nd and
its ultimate destination is unknown.
-- Amateur Radio Newsline