RAC Bulletin 2014-08-09
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for August 9, 2014
1. Simulated Emergency Test
The date for the 2014 Simulated Emergency Test (SET) has been
confirmed as Saturday October 4th.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. Bob Eldridge, SK
VE7BS, Bob Eldridge, has become a Silent Key. He passed away July
15th at Lion’s Gate Hospital in North Vancouver, B.C. after a short
stay. He was 93.
Bob was a member of the DX and Topband community, and a regular
columnist for the Canadian Amateur Magazine. A tribute article in TCA
is planned by the editor.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
3. Gordon Pierce, SK
Gordon Pierce, VE3BZB, lost his long battle with cancer late Tuesday,
29 July 2014.
For many years, Gord was a regular participant in the National
Traffic System's Eastern Area Net, and for a portion of that time he
also served as manager of the Eastern Canada Net.
-- via Glenn Killam, VE3GNA
4. Free Newsletters Online
The August 2014 issue of CQ-DATV, the Amateur Television magazine, is
now available in popular ebook formats at www.cq-datv.mobi.
The August newsletter of the North American QRP CW Club, in PDF, can
be downloaded at www.naqcc.info.
The July/August 2014 issue of the free professional publication Sat
Magazine, including stories about amateur satellites, is available
for download in PDF format at tinyurl.com/july-2014-satmag.
The August edition of the free "432 MHz and Above EME Newsletter" is
available in either Word or PDF formats at tinyurl.com/432-and-above.
And a belated reminder, the latest - Spring 2014 - edition of The
5 MHz Newsletter, in PDF, can be downloaded at tinyurl.com/owbbggk
(Oscar Whiskey Bravo Bravo Golf Golf Kilo)
-- Southgate ARC News and Amateur Radio Newsline
5. Amateur balloon flies round the world
The 434MHz solar powered party balloon B-64, launched by Leo Bodnar,
M0XER, is passing the UK at the end of a record breaking journey
around the world.
Leo launched his balloon from Silverstone on 12 July. It traveled
east across Asia, the Pacific and the Americas and completed the
final transatlantic crossing arriving over Cornwall on July 31.
-- RSGB News