RAC Bulletin 2014-08-16
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for August 16, 2014
1. Orangeville Basic Amateur Course
Dufferin County ARES will hold a Basic Amateur Radio course starting
Thursday September 11 at 7:00pm, and running for ten weeks. The
course will be held at the Edelbrock Center on 30 Center Street in
Orangeville. There is no cost to this course but you need to have the
Canadian Amateur Radio Basic Qualification Study Guide, 8th Edition.
Anyone interested can email wayne.mclean (at) yahoo.ca
-- Wayne McLean, Dufferin ARES EC
2. Ottawa Hamfest
The Ottawa ARC will hold its 17th Annual Hamfest on Saturday,
September 6, at the Carp Agricultural Fairgrounds, 3832 Carp Road, in
Carp. The hamfest is in the W. Erskine Johnston Arena at the north
end of the fairgrounds. General admission at 9 am; talk-in on VE2CRA
repeater, 146.94 (-), 100 Hz tone. Licence exams on site. For more
information visit www.oarc.net/fleamarket
-- RAC Events Database
3. Special Event Stations
From August 29 to August 31, special event station VC3B will be
active during the 14th annual Warrior's Day in Coe Hill, the largest
display and parade of current and vintage military equipment in
Ontario. Plans are to operate an old fashioned wireless telegraph
station on 80 and 40 meter CW. Contacts will also be made on SSB.
QSL via VE3DCX. For more information search VC3B on qrz.com
From September 1 to October 28, special call sign VC3P will
commemorate 70 years since Operation Market Garden. QSL via VE3JO.
-- RAC Special Events database and QRZ.com
4. 630 Metre Special Event
Experimental operators on 600/630 meters will conduct a special event
operation October 31 - November 2. The Maritime Radio Historical
Society (MRHS), which maintains the KPH/KSM commercial coast
stations, will take part in the event, as will the three active
Canadian 630m stations.
Joe, VO1NA will transmit from Torbay, Newfoundland and should be
heard throughout eastern North America. Joe will listen for replies
on both 80 and 40m CW. John, VE7BDQ will transmit from Delta, B.C.,
south of Vancouver, and will listen for callers on 80m CW only.
VE7SL will transmit from Mayne Island B.C., midway between Vancouver
and Victoria, and will listen for callers on both 80 and 40m CW.
Frequencies are still to be announced.
-- VE7SL, via RAC News Service
5. Tube Books
tubebooks.org is a web site with "a collection of vintage engineering
texts, vacuum tube datasheets, and other obsolete information,
presented free of charge." Most manuals are available in PDF format.
-- ARRL Contest Update