RAC Bulletin 2015-08-01
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for August 01, 2015 This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada, with this week's bulletin NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL NEWS 1. Updated RAC Band Plan After a year long review, The RAC Band Planning Committee has released an updated band plan for all LF and HF (0-30 MHz) amateur allocations. This includes the new LF bands at 2200m and 600m, the 60m USB channels, and changes to reflect current best practice on other bands. Special thanks go to Vince d’Eon, VE6LK, for designing the single page graphic. The RAC Band Plan is available for viewing at: http://wp.rac.ca/rac-0-30-mhz-band-plan/ or by navigating through the “How to Start?” tab on the RAC home page. A downloadable PDF file is available by clicking the image. Comments and suggestions are welcome using the comment form http://wp.rac.ca/executives/ and select International Affairs Officer. Comments will be acknowledged and forwarded to the full RAC Band Planning Committee for consideration as future updates. -- George Gorsline VE3YV ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS 2. 7th Annual Junk-in-the-Trunk Event --- FREE Admission ! Date : Saturday, August 22, 2015 Location: Newmarket, Ontario Newmarket Theatre, 505 Pickering Cr. Newmarket, ON Opening times: 07:30 AM until 12 noon Cost: ** Proceeds are donated to the Theatre group ** Buyers - - FREE Admission ! ! ! Sellers - - $5 Per space per car - **** additional spaces $5 Talk-in frequency: 146.520 local repeater is 147.225 For more info: Nick - VE3NJG - nickve3njg@rogers.com Mike VE3MKX - mkx@bell.net Webpage: http://ontarioswapshop.com -- RAC Events Database ITEMS OF INTEREST 3. Melbourne party balloon almost circumnavigates the globe three times Andy, VK3YT is a network engineer by day. But in his spare time he delves into "the balloon scene" where he gets to indulge his love of amateur radio. He makes the tiny electronics that accompany the helium-filled party balloon he launched more than 9000 metres into the air. And he's just recorded a record run. A standard silver party balloon he launched on May 23 ended up spending eight weeks travelling the globe at high altitude, clocking up more than 110,800 kilometres, before crashing into the Indian Ocean south of Madagascar on July 18 – falling just short of completing its third circumnavigation of Earth. Carrying a homemade shortwave transmitter, a GPS, solar panel for power and antennae throughout its journey, the balloon known as PS-46 weighed 11 grams. Andy said the west-to-east path taken by the balloon was determined by global wind patterns. Its longevity was helped by good weather and good timing, as the journey missed the summer cyclones in the Pacific. At 9000 metres the temperature hovers between minus 50 and minus 55 degrees and the air is so thin that UV radiation is a serious consideration. The shortwave transmitter he built for the balloon had 25 milliwatts output, and transmitted its location every 30 minutes, with the signal picked up by receivers across the globe. Read more: http://www.smh.com.au and search for "melbourne party balloon" -- Bridie Smith, Science Editor, The Age 4. RFinder is now the official repeater directory of FMRE Mexico. FMRE Mexico will be responsible for maintaining the very latest MX repeater data for RFinder - The World Wide Repeater Directory. RFinder is a steadily growing worldwide repeater directory which has over 50.000 repeaters in over 170 countries. An annual subscription to RFinder provides access to repeater data through its collections of Apps on smartphones, web, RT Systems and CHIRP radio programmers. The RFinder team is proud to add Mexico as our newest member country," says Bob Greenberg, W2CYK, the creator of RFinder. RFinder is also the official repeater directory of RAC. Canadian Hams that purchase RFinder support RAC. -- RAC News This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications? Hearing none, This is V__3____ returning the frequency to net control.