RAC Bulletin 2015-10-03
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for October 03, 2015 This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada, with this week's bulletin NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL NEWS 1. Updated ARES training manual available An updated version of the ARES Training manual has now been posted on the RAC website. http://wp.rac.ca/wp-content/uploads/files/ares/ARES%20Complete_manual_revised%20Aug%202015.pdf or search for "ARES manual" on the RAC website. -- Mike Kelly, VE3FFK (RAC HQ) 2. Hurricane Watch Net activated for Hurricane Joaquin. [UPDATED 2015-09-30 @ 1940 UTC] The National Hurricane Center (NHC) has made it official: It’s Hurricane Joaquin, a Category 1 storm. But the NHC said that Joaquin is gaining strength and “could become a major hurricane during the next couple of days.” The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) activated at 1500 UTC September 30 on 14.325 MHz (after nightfall, the net will convene on 7.268 MHz). WX4NHC at the NHC is not active at this time. Please give these two frequencies some consideration over the next few weeks of hurricane season. -- ARRL News ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST 3. CQ World Wide DX Contest Committee Conducting Survey to gather feedback The survey responses will help improve the contest and make important decisions about the rules. Anyone who has participated in the CQ WW DX Contest in the past 3 years is invited to take the survey, which should take about 10 minutes to complete. An invitation with a link to the survey has been sent via e-mail to everyone who submitted a log in the 2014 SSB and CW CQ WW events. Participants should only take the survey once. The deadline to submit surveys is October 10. -- ARRL News 4. LICENSE CHANGES OVERSEAS Changes are coming to two European amateur radio licensing systems. In the UK, starting on Oct. 1, amateur radio license exams will be overseen by the Radio Society of Great Britain, which is picking up the responsibility from the Radio Communications Foundation. Examinations will continue to be available to all, regardless of RSGB membership, and changes will have minimal impact on the conduct of the examinations at local level. In the meantime, the formerly free licenses issued in The Netherlands are now subject to a fee of 31 euros. The Dutch government announced the imposition of the new fee on Budget Day, Sept. 15. The move is being protested by the Dutch radio communications agency, VERON. -- Southgate Amateur Radio News This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications? Hearing none, This is V__3____ returning the frequency to net control. ===================================================================== Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager Posted by: Paul Caccamo