RAC Bulletin 2015-10-17
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for October 17, 2015 This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada, with this week's bulletin NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL NEWS 1. IARU Administrative Council Stresses Importance of Antenna Systems for Amateur Radio The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Administrative Council has adopted a resolution calling on IARU member societies to encourage governments to recognize the importance of the Amateur Radio Service and of Amateur Radio antennas. The antenna resolution called on member societies “to advocate for planning and development regulations that properly recognize the importance of an Amateur Radio antenna and do not place undue restrictions on the erection of antennas.” It also urged member societies to discourage the imposition of any fees related to ham antennas, “particularly in view of its popularity in the student and senior communities.” -- see the full article at the arrl website news section. 2. RAC announces further Scholarships At a recent Board of Directors meeting the Directors voted in favour of granting a $500 Educational Scholarship to Michael Shamash, VE2MXU. Michael recently graduated from West Island College and has enrolled at Marianopolis College in Westmount, QC in the Honours Health Services Program. After two years at the College, he plans to go into McGill's school of Medicine and obtain an MD degree. RAC is pleased to be able to grant Scholarships to young Canadian Amateurs who are furthering their education. We would also like to thank those who have generously given to this Scholarship Program. Without your continued support this would not be possible. If you are able to help support this worthy endeavour and would consider donating to this program, please contact RAC HQ at racgm @ rac.ca -- Bill Unger VE3XT. Chairman, RAC Scholarship Foundation ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST 3. FlexRadio update (video) from the 2015 Digital Communications Conference FlexRadio's Stephen Hicks N5AC hits EIGHT important topics related to the Flex radios in this talk from the 2015 ARRL and TAPR DCC in Chicago You'll learn some fairly advanced concepts about SDR... and he'll bust a myth that some hams have delighted in propagating. The rest of the DCC episodes will be presented more or less in the order they appeared at the conference, beginning in early November. The content in this program is the property of FlexRadio Systems, and is presented by HamRadioNow with their permission. -- Look on Youtube.com for HamRadioNow episode 220. 4. LICENSE NUMBERS ARE DOWN, DOWN UNDER The number of licensed amateurs in Australia has fallen. According to the Australian Communications and Media Authority, there are almost 400 fewer license-holders this year than in 2014. Most of the losses are the result of cancelled call signs and Silent Keys, many of them amateurs who got their licenses following World War II. Even Australia’s most populated states, New South Wales and Victoria, reported a decline in licensed amateurs. -- full article at SouthGate Amateur Radio News This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications? Hearing none, This is V__3____ returning the frequency to net control. ===================================================================== Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager Posted by: Paul Caccamo