RAC Bulletin 2015-10-10
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for October 10, 2015 This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada, with this week's bulletin NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL NEWS 1. Password Reset Issues on the RAC Website We are experiencing issues with the password reset system due to an upgrade in our version of Word Press. If you have issues, please contact the webmaster or RAC Office and you will receive a new temporary password. Please login with the temporary password (Copy and paste) Once logged in scroll to the bottom of the Membership Details page and set your password back to what it was and SAVE. -- Paul Burggraaf, RAC Chief Information and Technology Officer 2. Hamvention “Fully Committed” to Hold 2016 Show at Hara Arena Dayton Hamvention® General Chairman Jim Tiderman, N8IDS, is downplaying talk that Hamvention might move from Hara Arena as early as next year. Tiderman characterized the reports “all speculation and rumor.” “We still keep an open mind to alternate plans, in case they become necessary. All successful businesses need to do that, and Hamvention is no different in that respect.” Last May, the show attracted some 25,000 visitors. Dayton Hamvention 2016 will take place May 20, 21, and 22. Tiderman told the Dayton Daily News that “something catastrophic” would have to happen to cause Hamvention to move from Hara Arena. -- ARRL News ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS 3. York Region ARC Hamfest date: Saturday, October 31, 2015 Location: 10801 McCowan Rd, Markham, ON Opening times: Vendors: 0630 - 0830. General public is admitted to the indoor gathering area commencing at 0730. No more braving the elements while waiting for the event to open! Have breakfast on site. Doors open to the vendor areas at 0900. Cost: $7.00 per person and this includes a door prize ticket. Children twelve and under admitted free. Talk-in: VE3YRA 145.350 MHz (-) T: 103.5 Hz OR VE3YRC 147.225 MHz (+) T: 103.5 Hz Email contact: yrarc.hamfest @ gmail.com Webpage: http://yrarc.org -- Geoffrey Smith VA3GS ITEMS OF INTEREST 4. New OSCAR Satellite Status page Thanks to the efforts of Joe KM1P and Peter 2E0SQL, and with the permission of David KD5QGR, we have set up a copy of the OSCAR satellite status page This page will be maintained by multiple volunteers, and we will be able to keep information links current. It will take a few days to populate the database, but please begin using this page as soon as possible. 73, Drew KO4MA, AMSAT VP Operations OSCAR Satellite Status Page is at http://www.amsat.org/status -- Southgate Amateur Radio News This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications? Hearing none, This is V__3____ returning the frequency to net control. ===================================================================== Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager Posted by: Paul Caccamo