Work Party - Tower Drive (VE3NFM Site) - Eviction of Rodents
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Monday's forcast shows 20% chance of showers, so I propose getting together at 1:00 pm to try and finish off
the building and provide further mouse resistance.
We have to cut and put up sheeting on the interior walls, and stuff a bit of insulation on the wall where the
coax/power enters the building, then close off that wall as well. Sheeting/insulation is stored at the site.
Gerry said he will bring a skill saw and sawhorses, and there is power available, so any hand or power tools that you
think might be helpful feel free to bring along. There is power available, so that should not be an issue.
I will bring my small trailer to carry away any refuse that we don't anticipate needing after the construction phase.
I also have a shop vac to remove some of the smaller bits (lets leave it at that) so we have a clean floor to walk on.
Most of the cutting will take place outside, so crowding should not be an issue. In fact, I propose that the first thing
we do is empty the shack to give us some room to work.
If you can attend, please let me know by e-mail what you are bringing, and I'll post a followup tomorrow morning.
Thanks in advance & 73 - Paul, VA3PC