RAC Bulletin 2014-11-29
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for November 29, 2014 This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada, with this week's bulletin NATIONAL NEWS 1. Hall of Fame Appointments The Board of Trustees of the Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame is pleased to appoint Don Dashney VE3RM of L'Orignal, Ontario and George Spencer VE3AGS of Jordan (St. Catherines), Ontario to the Hall of Fame for 2014. Both appointees are Silent Keys. The families of the two appointees will receive this postumous award in early 2015. A summary of their contributions to amateur radio will be published in The Canadian Amateur magazine. -- Ed Frazer, VE7EF, Chair, Board of Trustees ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS 2. Bulletin Managers Needed Ontario East, Ontario South, and GTA Sections are all in urgent need of Bulletin Managers. Otherwise, the weekly Bulletin we have been used to hearing on our local nets may come to an end, as Brad VE3RHJ will be stepping down after many years of producing the RAC Ontario Bulletin. These bulletins carry important and useful information to Ontario clubs and ARES/Emcomm groups. We need volunteers to take this job for the three sections as soon as possible. If you are in the habit of looking up interesting news items regarding the amateur radio hobby and are interested in taking this important position, please contact your Section Manager. -- Michael Hickey, VE3IPC, Ontario East SM ITEMS OF INTEREST 3. Do-It-Yourself Lightning Alarm Here's a winter beginner's project that will be useful next summer: TechLib has a four-transistor lightning detector that will flash an LED or light bulb when lightning strikes in the vicinity. Find it at www.techlib.com/electronics/lightningnew.htm -- ARRL Contest Update 4. Radio Telegraphy Web Page Keys, keys, keys, and more keys - if you want a website that covers the subject thoroughly, visit www.radiotelegraphy.net. It has links to many collections of keys, maritime radio history, and key construction and maintenance. -- ARRL Contest Update 5. November Newsletters The Autumn 2014 edition of The 5 MHz Newsletter is now available for free download from http://tinyurl.com/jvjrtn6 (Juliet Victor Juliet Romeo Tango November Six). Also, the November issue of the CQ-DATV e-magazine, covering amateur television news from around the world, is now available for free download. Find it at tinyurl.com/datv-november-2014. -- Southgate ARC News and Amateur Radio Newsline This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications? Hearing none, This is V__3____ returning the frequency to net control.