NBARC June 14, 2017 Meeting Minutes
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NBARC June 14th, 2017 Meeting Minutes
Called to order at 1932ET.
Treasurer; $4154.12 in bank. $42.16 outstanding bills. aprx $60.00 petty cash.
Correspondance; Triathalon, City re SiTP, Hospice walk brought in about $72,000.00.
Field Day; Due to a lack of interest not going to participate as a club this year. Motion to add Mattawa Conservation Authority as named insurer. Moved VE3TGI Second VE3YUI. Passed.
80M net; Conditions appear to be getting better. 8-10 checkins normally.
Repeaters; Nothing new.
APRS; Back on the air.
Hamfests; Dayton. Wet and muddy. Friday long line up to get into the fairgrounds. Much improved the rest of the weekend.
Parry Sound August 12th.
ARES: Triathalon Sunday July 2nd, 2017. Bill gave a report. Please sign up on the website. Need a few more people. Should be finished by about 1300ET.
Bill displayed a blue parking cone. Will have NBARC on them.
Many years since we ordered our blue vests. New vests aprx. $25.00 including silk screening. Order on the website. Motion to order a few extra for the club. Moved VE3XKB. Second VE3YUI. Passed.
Level of service document. Bill has one for normal events and emergency events. Drafts will be posted on the website. Please feel free to ask questions and make suggestions.
Old Business; P4L. Lori gave a report. Suggestion to get the antenna up higher. Need a larger tripod and more mast. Motion to design and fabricate a taller mast for the portable setup. Moved VE3TGI Seconded VE3LOR. Passed.
Kelly gave a talk on the WNSP. Going to do it again next year if possible.
New Business; nil
Adjourned at 2111ET
73/Drew VE3MAF
There are no meetings during July and August. Our next meeting will be September 13, 2017. Have a great and safe summer.