2017 10 11 (October) Meeting Minutes
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NBARC October 11th 2017 Meeting Minutes
In attendance were; VA3PC, VE3YO, VE3XKB, VE3FMY, VE3GMG, VE3ATK, VE3CMX, , VE3ATK, VE3DLL, VA3WAH
Regrets VE3MAF, VE3BDR
Called to order at 1936EDT by Paul Caccamo VA3PC
Treasurer report; reported last month of $4100.00 a motion to pay out $100.00 Balance $4000.00
Chris May was assigned to collect dues that were still outstanding
Correspondance; A thank you was received from Jen R.
New Hams; nil
Nets; 80M net still Sunday 0900ET 3768kHz. 6-7 checkins. Conditions were reported as better
Repeaters; Working well. And nothing new
ARES; Ontario SET October 14th, 2017.
Fleamarket; Markham 4th November.
Events: Discussion re the Hospital Walk this weekend (Oct 15th)
Old Business
Contest Club; Ken is busy rebuilding new kitchen. When he gets that done he will plan an antenna party.
New Business; Dues are due now. $20.00 for RAC members. $30.00 for non-RAC members.
Dan VE3DLL will check on roast beef dinner at the Shriner Club around $25.00 a plate
Adjourned at 1952EDT
73 Keeling VE3XKB