VE3ERX Repeater and Canoe Race
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We had our backup battery burst at the VE3ERX repeater site sometime over the weekend. I attended and cleaned up most of the acid spill today, and will have to attend tomorrow to clean further. So far I've used a 2kg box of baking soda to neutralize the acid. Somehow the repeater went off the air, and Bob VE3MF said the output power was fluctuating, so it might just be a bad cable. I will have to further troubleshoot tomorrow when I attend. I will have to spend some club money on a new backup battery.
We are in pretty good shape for the Canoe race on Saturday, I just have to confirm with Chris VA3CMX for checkpoint 2. I will be sending a SMEAC out in the next day or two to those signed up. We will meet at Timmy's Seymour St at 07:30 - I will have a printed SMEAC for checkpoints and also log sheets for recording numbers. This is a full day event, so bring a lunch, dinner will be at the Community Arena in Mattawa around 18:00.
Weather forecast is currently 60% chance of showers with a high of 24C.
Any questions, give me a call in the next day or so.
Paul, VA3PC