2022-04-13 - April Meeting of NBARC

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Minutes of the April 2022 Meeting of N.B.A.R.C.

Meeting called to order @ 19:12 by Paul VA3PC

Introductions :
Present - VA3CMX, VE3FMY, VE3GMG, VE3XO, VA3NBH, VA3CRW, VE3LQV, VE3TGI, VE3YUI, VE3YYB, VE3KLX, VE3DLL, VA3PC, Tim Blindback and Albert Wassink.
Regrets: VE3LOR, VA3JGH

Moment of silence for amateurs known to the club who have passed since the last meeting:
2020 May - Guy Leblond VE3PUP, VE3JZ
2020 Jun - Gerry Girard - VE3DSF VE3YO
2021 Jun - Drew Riddell - VE3MAF, VE3AOR
2021 Sep - James (Scotty) Brown VE3CMZ
2021 Nov - Steve Dinsmore VE3SBD
2022 Jan - Doug Johns VA3DLJ

Treasurers Report - Dues are now due, only expenses were for RAC insurance in 2020, 2021, 2022. approximately $400 each year. There were several donations received.

RAC Report: ISED has released a revised RIC-1 and RIC-3. RAC is still awaiting the release of RBR-4 (frequency allocations update)

Net Report: Report on HF Sunday morning Net. Dennis is planning to implement a VHF Net - more to follow.

Repeater Report: IRLP/Echolink levels were adjusted on VE3ERX. VE3NFM needs some work, now that the snow has melted.

Events: Mattawa Canoe Race July 23 sign up on the website.
Run off the Grid: 24th September - will be listed on website shortly.
Chris VE3YYB brought up field day, Paul will put a poll on the website to gauge interest.
Kelly brought us up to date on Helium problems with regards to High Altitude Balloon launch.

Old Business: Replacement of Board Member account Drew Riddell SK
Discussion ensued, Kelly VE3KLX volunteered to act as recording secretary to a great round of applause.

New Business: Beef and Brand restaurant is back open, and they mentioned they will have Clam Chowder on Fridays.
Dan VE3DLL has arranged the use of the Shrine Club for next meeting on 18th May.

Motion to close meeting @ 1935 by Howard VE3GMG

50/50 draw was held

There was no show and tell, but lots of catching up to do, we vacated about 21:00:
