11-04 (April 13th) Meeting Report
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The meeting was called to order at 1940ET by Bill Silver VA3SPT.
CORRESPONDENCE. Canadore College advertising their conference facilities.
New Hams/members. Mike Andrews VE3PME.
REPEATERS. VE3ERX time is still out by about 1:20. Paul is still awaiting the upgraded time spec software. VE3NFM is still in pieces in his garage. He is hoping to get it back together shortly.
NETS. 2M net is still running. Dave could use some more check ins. The 80M net is still quite active.
ARES. The trailer is free from the snow bank. Bill has spare tyres that he will be getting serviced.
HAMFEST. DURHAM Regional Hamfest is this coming Saturday April 16th. There are 2 seats available in the van. If you want to come meet us at Timmys (Lakeshore and Marshal) for 0500ET. Lunch will be at Haugens Chicken place on the way home. We should be back around 1600ET +/-. Start making plans for the Northern Ontario Hamfest September 24th 2011 at the Garson Arena. There will be a number of us attending.
HAM COURSE. We don't run a formal course but we do offer all sorts of help. There is the website where questions can be posed. Saturday coffee at Northgate Square is another good place to get help. With enough interest ann afternoon mentoring session could be arranged. Contact us at nbarc@ciinet.org .
CONTEST CLUB. Nothing new.
EVENTS. Summer In The Park (SITP) July 29th to 31st 2011. ERIN contacted us and requested out assistance. It is expanding this year so we will be requiring more help. Paul is looking for an assistant to assist him. Motion by Chris VA3CMX to assist at SITP. Seconded by Doug VA3DLJ. Passed. The other events we normally assist at are; Lost in the Rocks and Trees (LOTR), Mattawa Canore Race, Patrick 4 Life Walkathon, MS Walkathon (May 29th), Triathlon, Hospital Walkathon and possibly the ECO RUN. Watch this space for more info as it becomes available.
RAC. Our insurance is paid in full. RAC bulletins are on the website.
OLD BUSINESS. Bill sent thank you cards to Dorthy Taylor and Pauline Burt for the equipment they donated to the club. I know the hams who received the equipment were thrilled. The club is going to be selling equipment we no longer have a use for. When the inventory is complerted a list will be posted on the website Club members will have first chance at the posted equipment at a substantial discount from the listed price. Unsold equipment will be taken to a hamfest (probably the Northern Ontario Hamfest September 24th) and offered there. Watch this space for more info. Drew VE3MAF moved and Paul VA3PC seconded to dispose of the old ONAN genny. Passed. Chris VA3CMX will look after it. There are also a couple of 12VDC and 24VDC sataicons to dispose of. Watch this space for updated info.
NEW BUSINESS. The Ontario QSO Party runs Satrurday/Sunday. The exchange consists of a signal report (59) and your district or county (Nipissing Parry Sound etc). It is a relaxed contest and a great one to get your feet wet with. If you want more info or clarification drop Paul va3pc@ciinet.org a line as he knows it all.
We adrourned at 2055ET. A short video clip on teh Brampton HAMEX Hamfest followed. No 50/50 draw at Bruce was away.