11-10 (October 12th) Meeting Report
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Meeting called to order @ 19:40 in the PCC Meeting Room with the following present: VA3PC, VE3XKB, VA3DLJ, VE3YO, VA3CMX, VE3KAN, VA3WAC, VE3KAA, VA3SK, VE3TGI, and VA3SPT.
Correspondence: RAC Insurance renewal forms were received, as well as two thank you letters (and donations - thanks very much) from the Kiwanis Club (Triathlon) and the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority (Canoe Race).
Bruce was unavailable (and so was his Treasurer's Report).
New Hams in the area - NIL
Reports: Net - HF - average about 8 checkins, VHF - pretty quiet since Dave has been absent.
Repeater - new tower has been completed on tower drive, our antenna will be moved over before spring.
ARES - Trailer back at Drew's place and HF antenna has been re-attached. Spare tire is in trailer, but needs repair.
S.E.T. will be held this Saturday 15th of October if anyone can participate.
Fleamarket report - Smaller turnout at the Northern Ontario Flea this year, but more varied equipment was noticed. Much more room at the new venue and better access for people to offload (same level). Jerry turned over the proceeds of NBARC equipment sales to Bill for forwarding to Bruce.
RAC News - Paul read the monthly Director's report. VE3XT still looking for support letters re Distracted Driving campaign. - a Delegation will be meeting with the Deputy Minister and other officials soon.
Events: Hospital Walk/Run will be held this Sunday - starts about 09:30 - Bill has 5 volunteers and would like a couple more if possible.
Contact him at va3spt@rac.ca if you can volunteer. He'll be sending out further info on Saturday night.
Contest Club: Ken brought us up to date with the Contest site happenings.
Old Business: NIL
New Business: Possible dates for Holiday get together this year is 1st or 8th of December. Paul will put a poll on the website to indicate preference. Poll will close after the November meeting.
Howard was not available tonight, so Jerry acted on his behalf at approximately 20:50
50/50 draw and adjourment to Timmy's McKeown for refreshments.
Until next time - 73 de VA3PC