11-11 (November 09th) Meeting Report
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The NBARC November 2011 meeting wes held Wednesday November 9, 2011 and was called to order by Bill VA3SPT at 1940ET.
Correspondence: CNIB requesting donations. We will donate $100.00.
Treasurer: We have had several donations from events we participated in and several 2012 dues.
New Members: Marc VA3OWL
2 mtr net: Limited avtivity. Will re-evaluate in the new year. Is there anyone willing to run the net?
80 mtr net: 14 check-ins last week. Paul should be back next week.
Repeaters: Both VE3ERX and VE3NFM are working well. Paul will be resetting the time when he gets a chance. He also has the new software to improve accuracy.
Echolink/IRLP: Are working well.
Website: Looking good. Paul will register VE3NBC.ca for 10 years as our own URL.
ARES: CEMPC meeting had low attendance. Next meeting is January 19th 2012.
Hamfests: A number of us attended the York Regional Hamfest in Markham. It was a good time. The pulled pork sandwich for lunch was great.
Contest Club: Nothing new.
RAC Winter Contest: Will be held December 17th-18th this year. This is a low stress high fun contest. Give it a try.
RAC: Paul gave a reoprt outlining some of the proposed changes. Check the website for all bulletins and correspondence.
DUES: The 2012 membership dues are now due. Due to the face that the RAC Insurance charges us different rates for RAC members vs non RAC members we have changed our dues as follows. RAC members $20.00. Non RAC members $30.00. This reflects the $10.00 surcharge RAC Insurance applies to club members who are not RAC members as well.
EVENTS: The Hospital Walk/Run went well. There was a lot of new territory to cover. We had 5-6 members out but with the new territory we could use a few more next year.
The NBARC CHRISTMAS PARTY will be held Thursday December 1st 2011 at Kings Buffet. 1800ET for meet and greet. 1900ET dinner. Donations to the Santa Fund as we did last year. If you are planning on attending please let us know so we know what to expect nbarc@ciinet.org. If you aren't sure and find you are able to attend just come on out. There is always room. I'll send out another reminder closer to the date.
Nothing new on the 60M band.
VE3GMG moved adjournment 2030ish. 50/50 draw followed.