11-12 (December 1st) Christmas Party Report
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The NBARC Christmas Party was held December 1, 2011 at The King's Buffet. There was a good turnout (I didn't count)and all had a good time (some ate too much). We managed to raise $245.00 for the Santa Fund.
Our January meeting will be held Wednesday January 11th 2012 at the OPP Comm Centre. Doors open at 1915ET. We have already been asked to do The Run off the Grid this year. It is scheduled for Saturday September 29th, 2012. The TENTATIVE date for the Northern Ontario Flea Market is Saturday September 15th, 2010. Mark both dates on your calendar.
I'll send around another note or two reminding you about the January meeting and include our dinner spot when we figure out where it is going to be.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year.
73/Drew VE3MAF