RAC Bulletin 130302
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for March 2, 2013
1. Brit Fader Scholarship Call for Applications
The Brit Fader Scholarship is for assistance with the cost of
tuition, room, board, books and/or other fees at an accredited
Canadian post-secondary technical school, college or university.
An applicant must be a Canadian Citizen, without regard to gender,
race, national origin, handicap status or any other factor. The
applicant must be performing at a high academic level, and must hold
an active Basic Class or higher Canadian Amateur Radio license.
Preference is given to applicants who have been accepted into a
program in the field of electronics or electrical engineering, or
related area.
An application package can be downloaded at www.Halifax-arc.org;
follow the link under the "Education" tab. Application submissions
must be postmarked no later than July 12th, 2013.
-- via D. Howard Dickson, VE1DHD
2. RAC Field Organization seeks Secretary
The RAC Field Organization National Secretariat and the CFSO Council
is seeking an individual to join the organization as Secretary.
Duties for the position are: recording the minutes of all monthly
teleconferences; distribution of minutes to Section Managers,
Advisers and members of the groups in a timely manner; preparing
monthly teleconference agendas in consultation with the CFSO;
maintaining control of relevant documents; and maintaining an up to
date nominal roll of all active participants.
If you are an individual who would like to apply for this important
volunteer position, please contact Chief Field Services Officer Doug
Mercer via email, dougvo1dtm (at) gmail.com.
-- Doug Mercer VO1DTM, RAC CFSO
3. RAC seeks Regulatory Affairs Officer
Radio Amateurs of Canada is seeking an organized, knowledgeable and
diplomatic individual to undertake the role of Regulatory Affairs
Officer. This is a senior executive level position reporting to the
President. The position has a key role in managing our relationship
with Industry Canada. This includes monitoring and analyzing
Industry Canada initiatives, generating policy options and advising
IC of RAC's position on issues of importance to our members.
In the interim, Mr. Ian MacFarquhar, VE9IM, has taken on the duties
of Regulatory Affairs Officer. Mr. MacFarquhar will continue in the
role of Vice President but will be assisted in that role by Mr. Doug
Mercer, VO1DTM.
-- via Geoff Bawden VE4BAW, President and Chair, RAC
4. Weather Net Name Change
The "Weather Radio Listeners Newsletter" has changed its name to "The
Weather Newsletter," and the net will now be known as The Weather
Newsletter Net. This is to emphasize that Weather Radio isn't the
only topic. The net will continue to meet Saturdays at 7 pm Eastern
Time, on IRLP node 9038, and Echolink node VE3ZHR-L 591897.
The latest issue of the newsletter is now out. If you would like to
join the mailing list, send an email to Gord VA3WXA at blindgordie
(at) gmail.com and you will be sent all issues of the newsletter as
well as monthly reports.
-- Gord Maybee, VA3WXA