RAC Bulletin 130914
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for September 14, 2013
1. RAC Annual General Meeting
On Saturday, October 5, at 1 pm, RAC will hold its Annual General
Meeting in conjunction with the Hamilton ARC Hamfest, in Marritt Hall
at the Ancaster Fair Grounds in Ancaster. Many thanks to the
Hamilton Amateur Radio Club for the invitation! RAC will also have a
booth at the hamfest. For more information see the PDF file at
For those unable to attend in person, we will be using Go To Webinar
and you can join over the Internet or by phone. Slots are limited;
to register, please email racgm (at) rac.ca.
-- RAC Web Page
2. October Special Events
From October 1 to October 11, special event callsign CY0P will be
activated for the Sable Island Expedition. QSL via VE1RGB.
From October 1 to October 31, special event callsign VC2O will
commemorate the 90th anniversary of The Mauricie Amateur Radio
Association (VE2MO). Operation will be 80-10m, CW and SSB. QSL via
-- RAC Events Database and VA3RJ Special Events Page
3. ARISS Contact
On August 12 a successful contact was made between 14th World Scout
Moot Canada 2013, Camp Awacamenj Mino, Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec, and
Astronaut Astronaut Luca Parmitano, KF5KDP, on the International
Space Station, using callsign IRØISS. The contact was telebridged via
IK1SLD and lasted about nine and a half minutes. VE3TBD served as
ARISS mentor.
-- AMSAT News
4. Space Station Slow Scan TV Active
The International Space Station (ISS) is transmitting SSTV images on
145.800 MHz FM. To receive them, all you need is to connect your
rig's audio output via a simple interface to the soundcard on a
Windows PC or an Apple iOS device. You can even receive pictures by
holding an iPhone next to the radio's loudspeaker.
The ISS puts out a strong signal on 145.800 MHz FM, using standard 5
kHz deviation, and a 2m handheld with a 1/4 wave antenna will be
enough to receive it. To decode the signal, on Windows PCs use
MMSSTV, on Apple iOS devices use the SSTV app. The website
www.issfanclub.com will show you when the space station is in range.
For more tips visit tinyurl.com/sstv-iss
-- AMSAT News