RAC Bulletin 130921
Primary tabs

RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for September 21, 2013
1. Hamilton Hamfest
The Hamilton Amateur Radio Club will hold its 2013 Hamfest on
Saturday, October 5, in the Concession Building at the Ancaster Fair
Grounds, 630 Trinity Road in Ancaster. This is the south-west
corner of highways #52 and #53, just west of Ancaster. General
admission at 9 am; talk-in on VE3NCF repeater, 146.76 (-), 131.8 Hz
tone. For more information visit www.hamiltonarc.ca
-- RAC Events Database
2. VX31763 Special Event
From October 6 to November 5, special event station VX31763 will
commemorate the 250th Anniversary of the Royal Proclamation of 1763,
which laid the foundation for the relationship between First Nations
people and the Crown. QSL via VE3RHE (Bureau or Direct). For
operating schedule visit www.ve3rhe.ca
-- RAC Events Database
3. Two Silent Keys
Wayne Green, W2NSD, died on September 13 at the age of 91. Green was
editor of CQ magazine before going on to found 73, 80 Micro, Byte, CD
Review, Cold Fusion, Kilobaud Microcomputing, RUN, InCider, and
Jack Althouse, K6NY, died of a massive stroke on September 15, at the
age of 90. Althouse was president of Palomar Engineers, one of
amateur radio's foremost providers of ferrite and powdered-iron
toroidal cores, baluns and balun kits. The family has asked that
those having outstanding orders with Palomar please cancel them, as
Palomar is closed for business and not taking new orders. Questions
regarding paid orders should be emailed to palomareng (at) gmail.com
-- CQ News Service
4. AX.25 Open Source Soundcard Modem
Radio amateur Alejandro Santos LU4EXT is developing extmodem, an open
source, APRS compatible, AX.25 packet radio modem. It runs three
different demodulators in parallel to improve reception. Download
extmodem for Windows from extradio.sourceforge.net. Source code is
available for Linux.
-- AMSAT News