Meeting called to order @ 19:32 - PCCNB Boardroom
Attendees: Bill VA3SPT, Gerry VE3YO, Doug VA3DLJ, Ash VE3DRP, Henry KD8LWV, Howard VE3GMG, Paul, VA3PC, Keeling VE3XKB, Bill VA3WAC, Ken VA3SK, Bernie VA3STX.
Minutes of previous meeting posted on the website.
Treasurer's Report: NIL
New Amateurs/Members: NIL
-2Metre Net: Light checkins this Monday due to Holiday.
-80Metre Net: 6-8 checkins on a weekly basis.
-Repeaters: Real Time Clocks are in, have to be interfaced and software upgrade performed (software available next week).
So far I've heard from Gerry, Doug, Keeling, Henry and Chris.
I think we will be all right for tools etc, but you might want to remember your work boots and gloves.
Keeling - Compressor and Nailer
Henry - Caulking, sealant, mousetraps
Gerry - Power tools, sawhorses
Doug - Power screwdriver, saws, leaf blower.
Paul - Trailer, R2D2 (vacuum), extension cords, measuring tapes, etc.
See you there - now where did I put the keys?
73, Paul
Monday's forcast shows 20% chance of showers, so I propose getting together at 1:00 pm to try and finish off
the building and provide further mouse resistance.
We have to cut and put up sheeting on the interior walls, and stuff a bit of insulation on the wall where the
coax/power enters the building, then close off that wall as well. Sheeting/insulation is stored at the site.
Gerry said he will bring a skill saw and sawhorses, and there is power available, so any hand or power tools that you
The Westcumb ARC here in Amherst NS has been granted the callsign VC1J for the special event station of 65th Anniversary of the United Nations and UNESCO. We will be working the special event station from the Joggins Fossil Cliffs which became a UNESCO site last year. We will be on the air Sunday October 24th on different modes. A special event QSL card will be available.
The NBARC September meeting opened promptly at 1945ET. It was held in the OPP Comm Centre boardroom. In attendance were, VA3SPT, VA3BDR, VE3XKB, VE3LOR, VE3YO, VE3MAA, VE3YUI, VA3DLJ, VA3CMX, KD8LWV, VE3ELD, VE3GMG, VE3KAA, VE3KAN, VA3PC, VE3MAF.
CORRESPONDANCE: The North Bay Mattawa Conservation Authority gave us a donation and thanked us for our participation in the Mattawa River Canoe Race. They will be looking for our assistance again next year.
TREASURER: There were $120.00 in dues over the summer.